Day 30 - The finale spent amongst flowers
I can hardly believe it’s the final day of 30 Days Wild (and June!) already. Today I made the effort to get out to a wildflower meadow,...

Days 11-21 - A wild week (and a bit)
It’s been an incredibly busy time since I last wrote, but I have been enjoying taking time out for some wild moments each day. I’ve been...

Day 4 – The paradox of the immaculate lawn: Food for thought... and bees!
Today I went to explore a location where I expected to find wildflowers… except the area had been mown and applied with herbicide in...

Day 3 - Colours of the rainbow
Today I challenged myself to find the colours of the rainbow in the flora around me. Setting off late afternoon, I expected the hardest...

Spring Showers and Jewelled Flowers
There’s nothing quite like the morning sun breaking through clouds after a burst of refreshing springtime rain; presenting an illuminated...

If you go down to the woods today (well, technically this day last week!)…
…you’re sure of big, wonderful, amazing surprises. Including zombie rabbits… …Jewel-like reflections… …and not forgetting the odd heart!...

Beauty in the "Ordinary"
A photography cycle-ride yesterday along the amazing Edinburgh cycle-path network was intended for travelling far and wide, capturing a...

Taking a Closer Look... at Crocuses
It’s that time of year where Spring is fast approaching and plants are beginning to awaken. The snowdrops have already made their...